AI is changing the healthcare industry

All indications point to artificial intelligence (AI) being a game changer for the healthcare industry. And, in fact, it has already revolutionized healthcare for both medical professionals and patients. Let’s take a closer look at how AI has transformed the healthcare sector. Check out some of the ways AI has revolutionized healthcare for both medical […]

How technology is revolutionizing healthcare

From the widespread adoption of electronic health records for seamless data management to artificial intelligence-driven diagnostics and telehealth services, technology is empowering healthcare professionals to deliver better care and improve patient experiences. Below, we discuss some of the ways that technology is revolutionizing healthcare. Telemedicine Telemedicine is a game-changer in the healthcare industry, especially in […]

Ways online scheduling can help healthcare organizations

Healthcare organizations face a unique set of challenges when it comes to managing patient appointments. From scheduling conflicts to last-minute cancellations, managing appointments can be a time-consuming and frustrating task for both patients and healthcare providers. However, with an online scheduling system, you can streamline your appointment management processes and provide a more convenient experience […]

Healthcare cybersecurity: 5 Strategies to protect against insider threats

Healthcare organizations are increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks from malicious insiders. Whether it’s an employee, a contractor, or a vendor with access to sensitive data, these insider threats can cause significant financial and reputational damage. And with healthcare data becoming more valuable than ever before on the black market, it’s crucial that your organization takes steps […]

How to ensure the security of IoT devices in healthcare

With the widespread implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare, security concerns that were previously not considered have suddenly become a reality. In 2022, attacks using malware increased by 38% compared to the previous year. This equates to 1410 attacks per week – something device vendors must pay close attention to. Here are […]

The many benefits of MSPs in the healthcare sector

Managed IT services providers (MSPs) are increasingly becoming in order to keep up with the ever-evolving healthcare landscape OR in order for healthcare businesses to keep up with the ever-evolving landscape of the industry. MSPs provide a suite of benefits that can help healthcare providers deliver better patient care, manage their technology, and meet important […]

How to pick the right EMR system for your practice

Electronic medical records (EMRs) allow healthcare providers to keep patients’ health records in digital format, eliminating the need for paper charts and ensuring that clients get accurate attention promptly. When selecting an EMR system for your healthcare practice, keep these key factors in mind. List down your requirements Before evaluating your EMR system options, make […]

Properly securing customers’ PHI

Cybercriminals continue to find ways to penetrate organizations and steal sensitive data. It is therefore critical that businesses take steps to secure their systems in order to protect customers’ protected health information (PHI). Read on to learn more about how you can keep PHI safe from cybercriminals. What is PHI? PHI is any information about […]

How big data helps reduce hospital readmissions

Business intelligence (BI), or big data, involves analyzing large data sets to improve decision-making. This concept has been around for many years, and it has certainly benefited a sprawling industry like healthcare. One of the main reasons for this has to do with the Affordable Care Act, which penalizes hospitals for having high readmission rates. […]