Enhance your business website with these design trends

Having a well-designed website is essential to any business, as it helps make a good first impression on customers, generate leads, and increase conversions. Enhance your business’s website by following these tips. Custom illustrations A popular website design trend is the use of custom illustrations instead of photography. The reason for this is that illustrated […]

How to make your computer last longer

Most tech experts will tell you that a PC should last for 3–5 years before it needs to be replaced. Of course, with the right amount of care and maintenance, you may be able to get a bit more use out of your machine. Here are some ways you can make your computer last longer. […]

Don’t let TDoS attacks ruin your VoIP system

Does your business use a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system? If so, you need to be aware of telephony denial-of-service, a type of attack on VoIP systems. Learn more about TDoS and how to prevent it from disrupting your operations. What is TDoS? A denial-of-service attack aims to crash a system by bombarding it […]

Increase your organization’s productivity with Viva Insights

Viva Insights is a powerful tool that gathers data on your employees’ work habits, analyzes this information, and then recommends ways to help team members perform more efficiently. The application also seeks to improve your staff’s productivity and well-being so they can achieve their full potential. How does Viva Insights work? Viva Insights shows users […]

Boost staff efficiency: How to get more work done in less time

Success in any business depends on employee efficiency. When your employees are working efficiently, they can accomplish more tasks faster. In this article, we will discuss the different ways you can improve employee efficiency and, ultimately, improve your business’s bottom line. Provide regular feedback Performance reviews, both positive and negative, are key to inspiring your […]