Increase your leads by automating SMB marketing

Marketing automation was once a technology reserved for mega-corporations. Fortunately, the IT industry is making business tools cheaper and more accessible all the time. Nowadays, if you’re a small business owner, you’d have to be crazy to pass up all that marketing automation has to offer. If you haven’t already implemented this wonderfully profitable technology, […]

What are the top 5 benefits of a cloud ERP?

As more and more solutions are made available on the cloud, more and more businesses are flocking to use them. One increasingly popular solution is cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP). If you want to integrate your systems using an ERP, then you should seriously consider a cloud-based ERP. Define: Cloud-based ERP ERP is management software, […]

Top features in Windows 10 May 2019 Update

The first major Windows 10 update in 2019 started rolling out in late May, and it is packed with a raft of tools and apps to enhance user experience as well as productivity and efficiency. Here are some of the most notable changes that come with the update. Light theme If Windows 10’s dark mode […]

Guarding your company’s data

Some of the most well-known companies in the world have been victims of cyberattacks, including Sony Pictures, Home Depot, Adobe, and eBay. While major corporations are high-profile targets for hackers, small- and medium-sized businesses are not exempt, so they need to secure their networks and data. It may be difficult or impossible to undo any […]

Lower your data center bills

Data centers can be costly, more so if they quickly drain your resources. How much do you spend on them every month? Don’t be afraid to calculate your expenses since there’s a lot you can do to keep costs under control. Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind.  Perform an energy audit There’s […]

Hospital readmissions down thanks to big data

Readmission rates are a key performance indicator (KPI) for hospitals. They indicate the quality of care the practice provides as well as the tendency of the establishment to get overcrowded. Some legislation even reduces government payouts to hospitals with high readmission rates. Regardless of whether you want to avoid a stiff penalty or just improve […]

Top 4 reasons for sluggish mobile internet

Fed up with your smartphone because of its slow internet speed? Before you rush off to the nearest electronics store to buy a new one, take a look at these four possible reasons why your phone’s internet connection is slow. Router location One simple yet overlooked reason why your Wi-Fi-connected phone may be experiencing internet […]

Enabling remote work with VoIP

Productivity levels tend to go down when the job is too stressful or commutes are too long. So, what can you do to get your employees to be more productive? Remote work strategies enabled by cutting-edge VoIP technology may be the answer. Here, we explain how small businesses and their employees can benefit from work-at-home […]

Office 365 simplifies calendar sharing

Office 365 receives updates so often that they’re hard to track. But the software suite’s basic calendar functions will always be among the most popular. If you’d like to let people outside of your organization see your calendar, all it takes is a few clicks. Share an Office 365 calendar with specific people Click the […]